Basic CSS

CSS or the Cascading Style Sheet is a way for us to personalize our page and add styles and designs that would make our page more eye catching and worth reading. I ea3mXznjoyed creating my web page even more after I got to learn some of the basics in HTML and in CSS. Now, I got more open-minded in knowing more about computers and how helpful it is to us. I didn’t know that even an amateur like me can learn more about computers and how it works.

This activity was the most thrilling for me sincethe first time we had an exercise in IT 1. I enjoyed it a lot! Too bad, I don’t have ample time to know more about the basics in CSS and that I only got to know a glimpse of what CSS really does. It’s definitely an interesting thing to work on. I got more chance to create my own site and to personalize my own page.

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