Basic Programming

c-programming-homeIn this exercise, we were taught how to use C programming in solving simple problems using different types of variables. Also, the importance of syntax and semantics were taught to us. Syntax is how the program is written while Semantics is the meaning behind the program. It should be taken note that Semantics should be correct with syntax to have a correct output.

We used the gedit to create our files for c-programming and the terminal to check whether our program is running or not. Various types of format codes and assignment statements were used to run the program successfully.

For our activity, we were tasked to create a program in C that asks for the amount of money and breaks the amount into one thousand pesos, five hundred pesos, one hundred pesos, fifty pesos, twenty pesos, ten pesos, five pesos, and one peso.

It was a fun activity! I was able to run my program. This activity needs a lot of focus and nitpicking to achieve the correct OUTPUT.

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