Basic HTML

Today, we learned how to create a basic HTML or the Hypertext Mark-up Language. It shows how webpages are written. It is composed of HTML tags that are used in creating the content of your website. Tools such as the text editor and a web browser were used. It should be taken note that all documents should be saved as filename.html for it to run.

W3C®_Icon.svgW3C or the World Wide Web Consortium sets the standards on the web. Now, HTML 5 is used with higher capabilities than HTML 4. Furthermore, the HTML or the basic tags were enumerated to us and were used for creating our first webpage. various tags such as table tag, image tag, paragraph tag, head tag were used to illustrate the content of our webpage.

For our mini activity, we created our mid-year term schedule using the HTML tags. the visuals were checked using a web browser. Row span and column span were also used. Afterwards, we created our own page by applying the things we learned from the discussion.


I enjoyed doing this activity. I learned how websites are done. It is quite amazing to know that there’s a story behind every webpages that we see. Now, I realized how hard and tedious it is to create a catchy, informative and meaningful webpage but it is a fun and interesting to learn and understand at the same time.


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