Boolean Algebra

For exercise 5, we discussed about Boolean Algebra. Boolean Algebra was made by George Boole. Furthermore, a boolean function or a logic function is a function that results to either 0 or 1 when evaluated.


We further discussed in class about digital logic and computer arithmetic and we learned about the different types of logic gates: The NOT gate, OR gate, AND gate, XOR gate, NAND gate, XNOR gate, NOR gate.  As discussed, these gates are building blocks that are connected to form more complex computers. Thus, we learned how to create logic circuits using gates. Logisim can be used for easier construction of circuits. However, I prefer to draw and sketch a particular circuit than to use Logisim.


Moreover, we were taught how to evaluate a boolean function using the different theorems in boolean algebra and convert it to its simplest form.


Boolean algebra is an interesting topic to be learned in IT 1. It is quite confusing at times thus it requires focus and concentration when evaluating logic functions and creating circuits. I enjoyed drawing logic circuits. However, I had a hard time in evaluating boolean functions and simplifying it because I think this topic needs more practice for it to be mastered and done easily.

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