The Number Systems


In our laboratory class yesterday, we discussed about the Number Systems. It is a writing system that uses numbers and letters. We tackled about Decimal (Base 10), Binary (Base 2), Octal (Base 8) and Hexadecimal (Base 16) Values.


Afterwards, conversion of Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal and vice versa were taught in class. Various steps were discussed and illustrated in class. Examples were given for further understanding. The exercise was quite confusing at first and that it needs focus and concentration.

Converting Decial to Binary is my favorite part in the exercise. It is quite easy to understand. However, there are conversions that need a lot of thinking such as converting Binary to Octal and Hexadecimal. During the exercise, I got somehow confuse in which steps will I use since there were a lot of steps given to us for computation.

Understanding the number systems needs a lot more practice and review but it is a fun way of understanding more of how computer understands us and also it is a way for us to connect and understand how computers uses these information to connect with us. 🙂

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