Happy 40th Anniversary RCY of UPLB

1897839_841451752599529_812619046495086543_n  The Red Cross Youth of UPLB is an organization that was founded last June 25, 1975 as initiated by Sir Sherwin Lopez. Today, we rejoice as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of RCY of UPLB. As a means of our celebration, we opted to reach out to 40 different people inside and outside the campus to give a simple token from us. We were happy to receive such priceless smile and positive responses from those people that we were able to reach out to.


For the evening celebration, we conducted a reunion with our fellow alumni and the induction of the new officers in a simple and yet very meaningful dinner with the resident members, alumni and our advisers. It was a night filled with music, laughter and catching up with long time friends. It is a year-long celebration thus, we have a lot of activities prepared such as the SYNC concert this coming September, orphanage visits, medical mission and many more! ❤


RCY of UPLB Executive Committee A.Y. 2015-2016