Know more about ME :)


Hi everyone! I’m Joie Camille Sidiangco you can call me JOIE. 🙂 I’m a BS Nutrition student in UPLB. My common interests are Reading Short Novels and Eating! I love to try out new things especially trying out different type of foods and going to various places. I also love watching korean and US series such as I hear your Voice, Pretty Little Liars and The Vampire Diaries. I enjoyed watching series especially during long breaks and holidays. Furthermore, my favorite novel is Tuesdays’ with Morrie by Mitch Albom and my favorite place so far is Vigan in Ilocos, Sur. ❤

Something interesting about is me that I’m a boyish person. It is because I grew up with my three brothers and I’m the unica hija in the family. Also, I’m a sporty p1555281_10203564218086453_1255354328_nerson. I play Table Tennis, Badminton, Volleyball and sometimes basketball with my brothers. I’m fond of watching Basketball games (PBA and NBA) and watching action and horror movies. A lot of my friends always tease me with my boyish personality but I don’t mind because that’s who I am. Maybe I’m a boyish person but I’m a girl at heart <3.

Ubuntu Operating System

Hi Everyone! This is my first to create my very own blog. realized that it is fun to learn more about computers especially about UBUNTU Operating System wherein I got the chance to learn how to operate a computer in a different way.

UBUNTU operating system is used by a lot of people worldwide and thus it is an operating system open for everyone.

Furthermore, it comes from an african word which means “Human-ness” thus it is user friendly.

Also, The desktop environment for UBUNTU is called UNITY.

In addition to that, the first picture shown is a logo for command line interpreter called the TERMINAL. it is used for using commands and it was commonly used before when the Graphical User Interface(GUI) didn’t still exist.


It is quite interesting to learn more about UBUNTU Operating System thus I encourage you guys to have time to browse and learn more about UBUNTU! 🙂

Ubuntu User interface